Friday, October 29, 2010

What does hermes mem patch mode do?

<KaKaRoTo> Works fine with latest default payload.
<KaKaRoTo> So only with NUS (no_unauthorized_syscalls payload), so it's normal and expected.

<hObbit> so what does that mean

<KaKaRoTo> Just means that what I said the first day when i added the NUS payload still applies.
<KaKaRoTo> "only use it to put the ps3 back into restrictive access mode to unauthorized syscalls"

<hObbit> The NUS is for controller fix right?

<KaKaRoTo> Not for controller fix, it's just some (2 or 3) games that won't work without it. Eyepet is the only one I can remember.
<KaKaRoTo> The same would happen with hermes payload if you enable "patched mode" in it.
<KaKaRoTo> The only thing is that for him, the 'patched mode' only gets enabled after the drive is mounted, so maybe that's why noone noticed.
<KaKaRoTo> but it's basically the same code

<hObbit> Can we have that called via homebrew like hermes payload?

<KaKaRoTo> We could, but I don't want to, because it's an ugly hack.
<KaKaRoTo> Basically those patches disable a function that is used by every system call.
<KaKaRoTo> is_this_syscall_authorized_on_this_system/modem/whatever
<KaKaRoTo> Some games require a specific syscall to be enabled.
<KaKaRoTo> It's most probably related to the fact that the ps3 would only unlock the /dev_hdd0/game/<ID>/ of what the bluray player reads in sector 2.
<KaKaRoTo> So when a backup is launched and tries to 'install game data' it can't because it can't access the right directory.
<KaKaRoTo> So that patch makes it work.
<KaKaRoTo> It only has the side effect of enabling every other system call.
<KaKaRoTo> patch_func5 is what does all that (the is_authorized)
<KaKaRoTo> I suppose that patching it to return 1 all the time makes it return 1 to the 'syscall_is_root' or something, that's why permissions get ++
<KaKaRoTo> It also screws up the controller for games like F1 and SF4 because they need maybe something like 'syscall_is_special_usb_stick/wheel_plugged_in'
<KaKaRoTo> They think yes, so they try to use it, disable the controller, and then.. oups, nothing works.
<KaKaRoTo> (That's why you can 'fix' the controller if you plug in a wheel or the SF4 arcade usb thingy)
<KaKaRoTo> That's what patch 6 and 7 do, they force those 2 specific syscalls to return '0' instead of '1'.
<KaKaRoTo> But there are still other games that check other things and fail because of that (like eyepet, maybe it checks is_camera_plugged_in)

<hObbit> I see, so rather than enabling everything we'd need to find that specific syscall.

<KaKaRoTo> Exactly. The real fix is find just the right syscall to have elevated permissions, and fix just that one to think it's "1".
<KaKaRoTo> Instead of making it "1" for EVERY syscall, then return 0 selectively to fix specific games.

<hObbit> So what needs function 5 then? is that the eyepet game?

<KaKaRoTo> no no
<KaKaRoTo> you have this :

<KaKaRoTo> syscall_X (arguments)
<KaKaRoTo> {
<KaKaRoTo> can_i = function_5(args);
<KaKaRoTo> if (can_i == 1) { do stuff }
<KaKaRoTo> else { return error }
<KaKaRoTo> }

<KaKaRoTo> patch 5 is to overwrite the 'can_i_do_this' function completely
<KaKaRoTo> so EVERY syscall gets 'yes you can'
<KaKaRoTo> what function 6 and 7 does is just :

<KaKaRoTo> syscall_fix_for_f1 (arguments)
<KaKaRoTo> {
<KaKaRoTo> can_i = 0
<KaKaRoTo> ....
<KaKaRoTo> }
<KaKaRoTo> syscall_fix_for_ssf4 (arguments)
<KaKaRoTo> {
<KaKaRoTo> can_i = 0
<KaKaRoTo> ...
<KaKaRoTo> }

<KaKaRoTo> Patches 6 and 7 just patch the 'call func5' into 'func5 returned 0'
<KaKaRoTo> While patch 5 actually patches the content of func5 to always return 1.
<KaKaRoTo> You see how ugly it is? you understand why i didn't want to add a syscall to the payload just to enable/disable this 'patched mode'.
<KaKaRoTo> I want to do it properly, or not do it at all.

<iLLNESS> weird though... ssf4 works fine for me with NUS

<KaKaRoTo> yes it would
<KaKaRoTo> because NUS basically means 'all original'
<KaKaRoTo> it wouldn't work if you had patch 5, but not patch 6 and 7
<KaKaRoTo> but if there is no patch 5, then it would work

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